Grid 栅格
Material Design 响应式布局的栅格可适应屏幕大小和方向,确保布局在不同尺寸之间的一致性。
Grid 栅格组件 能确保不同布局间的视觉层面的舒适感,同时在众多不同设计中保持灵活性。 Material Design 基于 12 列的网格布局来做到 UI 的响应式。
组件不要与承载大量数据的表格(data grid)进行混淆;这个组件更倾向于在布局中使用。 如果需使用承载大量数据的表格,请看这里的数据表格
栅格系统是通过 Grid
- 它使用 CSS 弹性盒子模块 来做到高度灵活。
- 它有两种类型的布局: containers , _items_。
- 每项的宽度是按百分比设置的,所以它们的大小总是相对于它们的父元素流动。
- 子项目(items)使用内边距来保持和其他块(items)的间距。
- 其中五个断点可供使用:xs,sm,md,lg 和 xl。
- Integer values can be given to each breakpoint, indicating how many of the 12 available columns are occupied by the component when the viewport width satisfies the breakpoint constraints.
若你对 flexbox 不太熟悉,我们建议你阅读 CSS-Tricks flexbox 手册。
Fluid grids 流式网格
流式网格可以通过列(column)来缩放和调整内容的大小。 在使用流式网格布局时,可以通过断点来决定该布局是否需要大幅改变。
每一列的宽度是 1 到 12 之间的整数值;这些宽度应用于任何断点,且表明了组件占用多少列。
A value given to a breakpoint applies to all the other breakpoints wider than it (unless overridden, as you can read later in this page). For example, xs={12}
sizes a component to occupy the whole viewport width regardless of its size. 例如,无论组件的大小如何,xs={12}
<Grid container spacing={2}>
<Grid item xs={8}>
<Grid item xs={4}>
<Grid item xs={4}>
<Grid item xs={8}>
Components may have multiple widths defined, causing the layout to change at the defined breakpoint. Width values given to larger breakpoints override those given to smaller breakpoints. 你可以给较大的断点指定宽度值。那么它会覆盖给较小断点指定的宽度值。
For example, xs={12} sm={6}
sizes a component to occupy half of the viewport width (6 columns) when viewport width is 600 or more pixels. For smaller viewports, the component fills all 12 available columns. 对于较小的视口,该组件将填充所有 12 个可用的列。
<Grid container spacing={2}>
<Grid item xs={6} md={8}>
<Item>xs=6 md=8</Item>
<Grid item xs={6} md={4}>
<Item>xs=6 md=4</Item>
<Grid item xs={6} md={4}>
<Item>xs=6 md=4</Item>
<Grid item xs={6} md={8}>
<Item>xs=6 md=8</Item>
Spacing 间距
To control space between children, use the spacing
prop. The spacing value can be any positive number, including decimals and any string. The prop is converted into a CSS property using the theme.spacing()
helper. 间距值可以是任何数字(包括浮点数)和字符串。 该属性借助 theme.spaming()
被转换为 CSS 属性。
<Grid container spacing={2}>
和 columnSpacing
属性允许独立指定行和列间距。 The rowSpacing
and columnSpacing
props allow for specifying the row and column gaps independently. It's similar to the row-gap
and column-gap
properties of CSS Grid.
<Grid container rowSpacing={1} columnSpacing={{ xs: 1, sm: 2, md: 3 }}>
<Grid item xs={6}>
<Grid item xs={6}>
<Grid item xs={6}>
<Grid item xs={6}>
您可以根据活动的断点切换属性的值。 You can switch the props' value based on the active breakpoint. For instance, we can implement the "recommended" responsive layout grid of Material Design.
<Grid container spacing={{ xs: 2, md: 3 }} columns={{ xs: 4, sm: 8, md: 12 }}>
{Array.from(Array(6)).map((_, index) => (
<Grid item xs={2} sm={4} md={4} key={index}>
- 系统中的所有其它属性
⚠️ When using a responsive
prop, each grid item needs its corresponding breakpoint. For instance, this is not working. The grid item misses the value formd
: 例如,这种做法行不通。 网格项目丢失了md
的值:<Grid container columns={{ xs: 4, md: 12 }}> <Grid item xs={2} /> > > </Grid>
<Grid container spacing={3}>
<Grid item xs>
<Grid item xs={6}>
<Grid item xs>
The Auto-layout makes the items equitably share the available space. That also means you can set the width of one item and the others will automatically resize around it.
The Grid
component is using CSS flexbox internally. But as seen below, you can easily use the system and CSS Grid to layout your pages.
The following demo doesn't follow the Material Design guidelines, but illustrates how the grid can be used to build complex layouts.
Full resolution 1920x1080 • JPEG
ID: 1030114
The container
and item
props are two independent booleans; they can be combined to allow a Grid component to be both a flex container and child.
一个 flex 容器 是通过将
的计算显示赋予给一个元素而生成的。 Flex 容器的流入子容器称为 flex items, 它们使用 flex 布局模型进行布局。
<Grid container spacing={1}>
<Grid container item spacing={3}>
<FormRow />
<Grid container item spacing={3}>
<FormRow />
<Grid container item spacing={3}>
<FormRow />
⚠️给 Flex 容器、Flex 子项以及同时带有间距的 Grid 元素定义一个显式宽度会导致意外的行为,需要避免这样做:
<Grid spacing={1} container item xs={12}>
You can change the default number of columns (12) with the columns
<Grid container spacing={2} columns={16}>
<Grid item xs={8}>
<Grid item xs={8}>
项目之间的边距以负边距的形式来实现。 这样做的话可能会产生意料之外的结果。 The spacing between items is implemented with a negative margin. This might lead to unexpected behaviors. For instance, to apply a background color, you need to apply display: flex;
to the parent.
white-space: nowrap;
弹性布局元素的默认属性值为 min-width:auto
。 当子元素使用 white-space: nowrap;
时会出现布局冲突。 您可以从以下内容看到这个问题:
<Grid item xs>
<Typography noWrap>
为了使项留在容器内,您需要设置 min-width: 0
。 在实际操作中,你可以设置 zeroMinWidth
<Grid item xs zeroMinWidth>
<Typography noWrap>
Truncation should be conditionally applicable on this long line of text as this is a much longer line than what the container can support.
Truncation should be conditionally applicable on this long line of text as this is a much longer line than what the container can support.
Truncation should be conditionally applicable on this long line of text as this is a much longer line than what the container can support.
direction: column | column-reverse
和 direction="column-reverse"
的容器不支持和断点有关的 xs
, sm
, md
, lg
,以及 xl
它们决定在某个断点下组件占几个网格。 They define the number of grids the component will use for a given breakpoint. They are intended to control width using flex-basis
in row
containers but they will impact height in column
containers. If used, these props may have undesirable effects on the height of the Grid
item elements. 如果使用这些属性,可能会对 Grid
CSS 栅格布局
The Grid
component is using CSS flexbox internally. But as seen below, you can easily use the system and CSS Grid to layout your pages. But as seen below, you can easily use the system and CSS Grid to layout your pages.
<Box display="grid" gridTemplateColumns="repeat(12, 1fr)" gap={2}>
<Box gridColumn="span 8">
<Box gridColumn="span 4">
<Box gridColumn="span 4">
<Box gridColumn="span 8">
System props
As a CSS utility component, the Grid
supports all system
properties. You can use them as props directly on the component. For instance, a padding: You can use them as props directly on the component. For instance, a padding:
<Grid item p={2}>